“As pressure and stress bear down on me, I find joy in your commands. Your laws are always right; help me to understand them so I may live.” Psalm 119:143-144
Pressures and stress are a daily part of life for all of us.
What pressures and stresses are bearing down on you?
A fractured family…
grandchild’s illness…
marriage differences…
We can all expect challenges in this turbulent life, but as Christians, we are among the lucky few with a secret superpower, allowing us to live in joy even while surrounded by stress and pressure. How?? We have 24/7 access to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit’s ability to interpret and apply it to us and our current circumstances. Psalm 119 tells us we can still find joy in His commands even when stress and pressure are bearing down on us. His Word is always there to help guide us. We get to tap into a living, breathing message from Yahweh, the Almighty God.
The Alpha and Omega.
The Beginning and the End.
The One who Sees Me.
Not only can we tap into God…we MUST, because our hearts are fickle and no matter how much we want to hear from God…we also want to “hear” what we want Him to tell us. In order to grasp what HE wants us to hear through His Word, our hearts must be open and humble.
During my abusive marriage, God used His Word to tell me to stay. Then, at a later point, He used His Word to tell me to leave. How can this be? Did I twist God’s words? No. Truthfully, I was just as scared to stay, as I was to leave. God’s timing is always perfect. This is why it is so vital that we be walking close with the Holy Spirit, because He is the one who helps us to “understand” God’s laws, that we may live, and live abundantly.
There may be multiple responses to your current stresses and pressures, but only God has the solution for you. Lean into Him. Prayerfully seek Him. Surround yourself with others who will encourage you to trust God in all things. Saturate yourself in the Word. Then listen. Listen to the still small voice speaking to you and you will know your next step.