Tag: miracles

Miracles Abound

I facilitate a ladies Bible study one night a week. We recently finished the book we were working through, and I suggested we have a “Bring Your Best God Miracles” night. What a blessing to hear how God had worked in each of our lives in miraculous ways. One of the sweet ladies in the group is Emjay Luby…an excellent writer and the talented author of “The Courting Dress.” She was kind enough to write up her miracle to share it with all of you. Enjoy!

I was twenty-five and hugely pregnant with my third child. We were economically-challenged and lived in a rent-free two-bedroom shack on the outskirts of Santa Fe. The cheaply-built home lacked insulation and the only heat source was a dangerous kerosene heater that sat in the living room. During the winter, my husband and our two young sons all slept in close proximity to the heater to stay warm. Worse still, we went without water for several months every year because during the dry months in northern New Mexico, the water table dropped and our well went dry.

I couldn’t bear the thought of bringing my third child into the inadequate house that was already bursting at the seams. Since the baby was due in late October, winter was fast approaching. There were only so many people who could sleep in the living room.

My husband and I were new Christians and belonged to a little Baptist Church close to our home. In despair, I prayed that God would provide a better place for us.

Within a couple of weeks, we learned that friends of ours who attended our church were closing their business in town and moving to California. The family consisted of a father and mother, two sons and the sons’ wives – all of whom worked in the business. When they heard of our plight, the younger son suggested we move into their apartment, which was closer to town, thinking their landlord would be delighted to have a ready-to-move-in family. We went to see the place and were thrilled with its roominess, central heating, running water, and affordable rent. The only downside was that it was only a one-bedroom apartment, but it had a huge closet which we could easily convert to a bedroom for the boys. The new baby would sleep in our bedroom.

I thanked God for answering my prayer so quickly and began making preparations to move. A phone call dashed my hopes. The landlady said she couldn’t rent a one-bedroom apartment to a five-member family with a large dog.

Heart-broken and thoroughly ticked off, I put the phone down, stood and shook my fist at God. Railing against Him I shouted, “You don’t give a damn about us at all! How could you let us stay in this hell-hole? I thought you were the God who answered prayers and wanted the best for us.” Turning around in the tiny living room, I asked Him, “Does this look like the best? I was told I’m a child of the King. Well, this is no way to treat a princess!” Then I cried.

My baby was due any day when the older son called and invited us to his house. When we got there, he and his wife explained that they were going to be putting the house on the market, but not for several months. They wondered if we would be willing to live there until they could make the arrangements to sell it. All we’d have to do is pay the utilities.

I looked around the house in amazement. It was huge – four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a living room and a den. It had a washer, dryer, and dishwasher. It was far more than we ever could have afforded; far more than we could ever imagine. I could barely find the words to express our gratitude to them as we happily accepted their generous offer.

When I got back to our house, I fell on my knees and with tears of shame begged God to forgive my angry rant against Him and my lack of trust in His plans. I praised Him for going above and beyond anything I could ever hope or imagine. I had asked Him for a tiny apartment with one bedroom and He had said No because He had something far better; something far more suited for a family of five. And, it was rent-free.

The day we moved in I went into labor, but things were going slow, so I knew I had plenty of time. Later that night, the contractions stopped, so falling into our bed in our new and luxurious bedroom, I fell into a deep sleep. Looking back, I realize that God was working in the timing of the delivery. He wanted us to be settled in before our child was born. Two days later after everything was in place, the contractions began in earnest, and after a long and painful labor, I gave birth to a beautiful little girl. What a joy it was to bring her home to a warm, comfortable home – a home that had more than enough room for our sons to run, play and shout, while our baby girl slept peacefully in our bedroom on the other side of the house. Life was good. God was good.

A few days later after Sunday night church we had our best friends over to show them the new house God had provided. When they came in they noticed that the old refrigerator we had brought from our shack was still sitting in the living room where my husband had put it in our hasty move. They asked us what we were going to do with it, and we told them we were going to sell it. I said I planned to place an ad in the newspaper the next day (this was 1970 — there were no home computers; no Craigslist).

About ten minutes later, the doorbell rang. My husband answered the door to find a young man standing there. He said, “Hi, I’m here for the refrigerator.”

“What????” All of us had goosebumps. We were totally stunned.

After inviting the man in and showing him the refrigerator, he readily agreed to the $35.00 price we had set. But, before we could let him go, we had to know how he had showed up at our door — how he had known we had a refrigerator for sale.

Almost sheepishly, he admitted, “Look, I don’t know what happened. I read an ad in the classified section, called the people and told them I’d come by.” He shuffled his feet and then said, “I know I’m on the wrong street and that this isn’t the address I was told to come to, but something led me here.” He put his palms up and shrugged. “I can’t explain it.”

We told him our side of the story, and all of us agreed it was a God thing. Our wonderful Lord wanted to show us that He didn’t just care for us, He delighted in showing us His amazing love. He led the puzzled man to our home at exactly the right time in order to demonstrate that He wasn’t too busy to take care of even the smallest details. I pictured Him beaming with delight at our baffled looks, our wonder in this miracle.

After the man left with the refrigerator in the back of his truck, the four of us bowed our heads and thanked God for His amazing work in our lives.

When I went to bed that night, my heart was bursting with joy, wonder, and the love of my Father – the same God who had provided this wonderful, spacious new home had performed a miracle that was witnessed by five people.

That event has stayed with me all these years. It reminds me that when I don’t get what I want or think I need, my Father in heaven, is probably saying, “Dear Daughter, just wait. I have something so much better for you.” And, with that thought, I can rest and say, “Yes Daddy, you always do.”



I know many of you were praying on August 13th, when we were scheduled for trial, but it was unexpectedly delayed once again. I was so disappointed. But once September 8th rolled around I felt ready. Totally at peace, which I am sure, was absolutely a direct result of so many people praying for me, because feeling at peace or calm when you head into court is a miracle by itself. I was asking God for 3 miracles…

  1. The Judge would make a same-day ruling. (Very uncommon here in Arizona…usually a Judge takes 4-6 weeks to rule on this kind of matter.)
  2. Mr. X would walk away with zero parenting time. (Basically no visitation)
  3. Mr. X would be stripped of his legal decision-making authority so I could be free to make all the medical, educational and religious decisions regarding the girls.

Court started with some possible setbacks. The judge informed us that we would each have only an hour instead of the original hour and fifteen minutes. This worried me because I was already stressed about needing MORE time since I had two witnesses and almost 20 pieces of evidence to get into the record. Also, Mr. X brought his current girlfriend (even though he has a current wife as well) and convinced the Judge to let her sit at the table with him as his Occupational Therapist. Lastly, Mr. X had been required to show proof regarding the earlier delay he caused in August and the Judge ended up accepting his extremely weak proof. Normally, this would cause me to feel sucker-punched and get me worried about the rest of the case, but this time I felt a supernatural peace, and took it all in stride. “Whatevs…”

Mr. X took the stand first. He wasn’t prepared and had NO pieces of evidence. He was also prevented from admitting any evidence since he had missed the original deadline. His testimony included a fabricated disability and misleading information about a past job. I was able to cross-examine him, but it was extremely difficult because…surprise, surprise…he just so happens to be a belligerent witness…refusing to answer any question directly and sucking up all my time with talking around the issues.

One of the things I was able to corner him about was his dog. Our youngest daughter is deathly allergic to ALL dogs…and no…there is no such thing as a “hypoallergenic” dog for her. She is allergic to dog dander or skin…which all dogs have. I have had to epi pen her before for dogs, and her allergist said she has the highest allergy of anyone she has ever treated for a dog allergy. So…Mr. X having a dog is a big no no if he wants to be able to see his daughter. He claimed his Maltese was a service dog…for his undocumented and unverified eye-sight disability. Sure appeared he chose a dog over a future with his daughter…not a good strategic move, right?

Once he was off the stand, my daughters’ therapist went on. She did an excellent job conveying the extent of previous abuse and communicating the desires of the girls to the judge. The ironic thing was that after I finished questioning her and as we waited for him to begin the cross-examination, I thought of a few clarifications I still needed to ask her. Well…Mr. X unwittingly did it for me. His last question was what kind of training she had, which allowed her to end her testimony mentioning her multiple master degrees and that she was only three classes away from completing her PhD. Perfect! I couldn’t have planned it better.

I was next on the stand. Unfortunately, I only had twelve minutes in which to give my entire testimony. Twelve. Minutes. Ackk!

I took my notes up to the stand and basically read them at break-neck speed. Now, all of you who know me and have heard me speak, know I can talk fast….really fast. The awesome thing was that the Judge never told me to slow down, he just took furiously fast notes. I was able to get my most important pieces of evidence in…including a letter from a psychiatrist in favor of removing Mr. X’s parenting due to the abuse of another child (not one of ours), four of my Orders of Protection, and past Department of Child Safety reports.

Mr. X then cross-examined me. Whenever he asked a question, he yelled at me to only say Yes or No. It was especially ridiculous because he had bloviated on all the questions during his testimony, but didn’t want me to be able to elaborate at all. He just came off as a jerk (or should I say psychopath). The Judge told me to just stick to yes or no. This normally would concern me, but I still had such a peace I didn’t worry about it.

Mr. X only had a few questions for me since he obviously hadn’t prepared any ahead of time. Then we were done. The Judge said he wanted to take 15 minutes to deliberate and then he would return with a ruling. (MIRACLE #1) Within a minute or two of him leaving the courtroom all of a sudden two armed guards appeared. It was the first time I actually felt hope take flight. If he wanted two armed guards…maybe it was because he was about to lay down a ruling he knew Mr. X would not like.

After about 20 minutes, the Judge returned. Our case included about 25 different statutes/conditions the Judge would need to consider. He went through EACH one. He would read it and then elaborate, basically EVERY SINGLE TIME stating how Mr. X had failed in the area. Whenever one would come up that would include me, the Judge supported my parenting…even saying from the bench that I was a good mother out to protect my children. He told Mr. X he didn’t find him to be a credible witness and used his testimony against him. He told him he found him to be the perpetrator of “significant” domestic violence. He had also done his research about all my Orders of Protection and seemed amazed that FIVE separate commissioners had approved my previous orders, basically telling Mr. X it “doesn’t matter who she gets in front of” they see the need for protection. Which was AWESOME because it meant the Judge had seen through all the lies and landed on the truth. Praise Jesus!!

At the very end, he pronounced NO parenting time and NO legal decision-making. MIRACLE #2 AND #3!!!

I was also able to serve Mr. X while he was in court since he refuses to give us a current address regarding how delinquent he is in child support…around $30K. So, it looks like I will be in court again soon about that but PRAISE GOD everything else besides my girls safety is just secondary. We have what we need….each other and peace for our future.

I can’t thank you all enough for the way so many of you went to your knees in prayer for us. I will surely be in your “Thank You” line in heaven. Like I said in my Facebook post…I see this as a kingdom victory. We had an army of prayer warriors.

I am currently writing a book on courtroom victories, so if you know of anyone who wants to give God all the glory for what He has done for them in court, send them my way.

Love These Girls!
Love These Girls!