Tag: Ainsley

Shameless Pride

Okay…this is the most belated blog ever because I’ve been meaning to post this since Christmas. My sweet 11 year old daughter, Ainsley, couldn’t go to sleep on Christmas Eve (no surprises there). The reason for my shameless pride though is because of what she chose to do with her sleepless night. The next day she told me she read the whole book of Luke and wrote the following prayer for Christmas day:

Dear Father God, creator of all and maker of Heavens we give our thanks to you. Because when we the sinner sinned your heart broke but you didn’t stop loving us so you gave the most wonderful thing one day. Your son. So your son washed our hearts in the blood of the lamb so we could live eternally forever with you. So your son deserves all the presents but he doesn’t accept something made on the outside, he wants something made on the inside so we lift our hearts up to you Lord, Amen.

That’s my Girl!!

(I had to post this so I will never forget it.)

Ainsleys Prayer


Girls Night Turned ER Night

Last night was supposed to be a semi-relaxing night with a couple of my girlfriends at one of their houses. I say semi only because we still had all of our little girls. Their husbands took all the boys out to a movie and we were having a girl’s night in-house.

While we were out on the back porch sipping our wine, our daughters were all in the front room dancing up a storm. Then we heard a bloodcurdling scream. Ainsley was hurt. She had fallen and hit her back on the coffee table. What made this different from a normal fall was that she was unable to feel anything from her waist down.

After trying for several minutes to test for any feeling at all and getting no response, my friend Tammy called 911. Ainsley was terrified. She began screaming that she didn’t want to be paralyzed. I was doing my best to stay calm and keep her from losing it by telling her everything would be all right. The ambulance was on its way and they could help her.

Once the ambulance arrived I backed up so EMT’s could assess her. They were running tests, looking to see if her legs responded. They poked and prodded, but got no response. They put her on a backboard and started strapping her down. I laid my hands on her head and prayed for complete healing. Then I heard them radio in that they were bringing a level one trauma into the Children’s Hospital and that was when I started to shake.

Ainsley’s anxiety was continuing to increase as they immobilized her and she began thrashing around when they tried to start an IV. This was actually the first sign of good news because we saw some movement below her waist. They loaded her into the ambulance and I had to get in the front seat so two of the EMT’s could ride back there with her.

She was screaming as they were putting in the IV, in case you can’t guess, she hates needles. She calmed down after they finished. Personally, at this point, I am still on autopilot. I have this ability, or liability, considering how you look at it, to shut down my emotions to deal with a crisis and this skill definitely kicked in. I prayed.

Once we arrived at the hospital, they wheeled her into the trauma room and start cutting off her clothes and asking her questions. She tells them she has a little feeling above her knee, but still can’t feel anything below it. I see them do the reflex test on her knees with absolutely no response. They are running sharp tools along the bottom of her feet, again, nothing. The doctor asks her to wiggle her toes. They keep asking and she responds in a panicky voice… “Are they moving? Are they moving?” They weren’t.

All of this felt surreal. As if I was watching this happen to someone else. Except I wasn’t. My daughter was the one lying there on the table surrounded by two doctors, three nurses, and few others. I felt a peace though that everything would be all right. I stood by her, watched and prayed.

One of the doctors down by her feet continued to prod and pinch her legs looking for any response. Finally, she said she felt something. He had been literally taking sections of the skin on her leg, pinching and turning it, which typically would have hurt. Once she said she felt something it was a huge relief. She described it as very light, but within a few more minutes she could move her toes again. Praise God!!!

With the main concern of paralysis gone, we were given a room while they set up a CT for her to see if there was a fracture. After about an hour the doctors came back. They had spoken with a neurologist and needed to see if she could walk, which would determine whether she needed a CT or an MRI. With their support she could stand, but was still unable to walk. Now an MRI crew would have to be called in.

At least another hour slips by as we wait for them to arrive. I start to get a little concerned when I remember that Ainsley’s father has a degenerative back condition. He has had a back surgery, as has his sister, and their father. I’m hoping Ainsley hasn’t inherited this. Transport comes in to take her for the MRI. I sat in the room with her while she does the test, which is about 30 minutes.

Thankfully, they got the results back to us fairly quickly and it is all good news. Nothing broken. They tell us she had a spinal concussion. These are rare but we could expect a full, quick recovery. A little while later she was able to walk out of the hospital, very gingerly. She had to take it easy today, ice it and rest. She should be good as new in the next day or so. Again….Praise God!

This experience has taught me once again that we are not promised tomorrow will look the same as today. The unlikely or unimaginable can actually happen with no warning. Every day is a gift.

A Tribute To My Beautiful Daughter

Where has the time gone? Has it really been 10 years today since they placed my beautiful baby in my arms? My sweet Ainsley…I loved her instantly, fully and completely the first moment I saw her. There is a special thing that happens when you have your first child…I think it is because a baby is born at the same time a mother is born.

I feel beyond blessed to be the mother of this precious girl. A girl who teaches me as much as I try to teach her.

The girls are always giving me acrostic name poems, so I’ve decided to write one up for Ainsley. Happy Birthday my sweet girl!

Amicable – She is friendly. I am proud of the friend she is and the friends she wants to surround herself with. I know she will make wise choices which is so very important as she grows into a young woman.

Imaginative – Ainsley is an avid reader, writer of great stories, and illustrator. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was a published author one day. She is rarely the child who comes up to me and tells me she is bored, she can always find something to do.

Night Owl – Ainsley has always been my night owl (she comes by it honestly as I type this at 1:00 AM) and snuggle bug.

Spiritual – She has a deep love for God and is a bold witness for Him, often inviting friends to church or teaching them stories from the Bible. God uses her over and over again and it inspires me. She wants to be Esther for Halloween this year, her very favorite person in the Bible, and she will be a perfect Esther because she shares many things in common with her.

Laughter – Ainsley loves telling jokes and being a jokester. She makes us laugh and lightens the load. An Ainsley Original – “Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?…He didn’t have any guts.”

Encourager/Teacher – Ainsley has a teaching heart. She likes to play school, but she has a natural talent for teaching others. I remember overhearing her read a story to Daisy, but she would stop along the way and let Daisy read the parts she remembered and then say something encouraging like “Great Job, Daisy…see, you’re reading!”

Yummy – Ainsley loves cooking and the cooking channel is one of her favorites. She even had a Rachel Ray birthday party a few years ago. She doesn’t know for sure, but she thinks she may want to be a baker when she grows up (or a teacher, or a missionary, or a vet…she’s keeping her options open. J )

There are a lot of times in our family where I have called on Ainsley to be the bigger person (even as a little person still) and she, more often than not, rises to the challenge. It’s not easy having a special needs sister and life doesn’t usually equal “fair” around here, but I have always felt especially blessed that Ainsley was Jerilyn’s sister. Her willingness to be a peacemaker and give allowances to her sister has been such a Godsend. God knew we needed an “Ainsley” in this family and I am sooooo joyful she’s ours.