The last time I wrote, we hadn’t heard back from the third and final, therapeutic group home for Jerilyn the insurance company had approved. Well, we did. They wouldn’t take her. They said they didn’t think she would fit in well with the current group of girls already there. Three strikes.
Now what? We are still in desperate need of an out-of-home placement for her. Her Intensive Case Manager called for an emergency Child-Family-Team (CFT) meeting but then she forgot to put it on her calendar and didn’t show. I guess the “emergency” wasn’t emergent enough. Also, just found out some other vital information she never relayed which would have helped with another placement. Needless to say, we now have a new Intensive Case Manager.
They are now discussing higher level facilities and have even thrown out the option of an out-of-state placement because they are struggling to find a place that can meet Jerilyn’s high level of needs. When an area with four million people like Phoenix can’t find a place willing to take on the Jerilyn challenge, you start to doubt whether anyone will step up to the plate. Okay…enough negative thoughts…let’s turn it around….God has somewhere specific in mind for this special child of His and he will move mountains (or have her get in a plane and fly over all the mountains surrounding this desert valley) to get her there. Right??
Please continue to pray for the right solution for our family. Jerilyn flat out refused to get on the bus parked in front of our house for school on Tuesday and it’s not like you can pick up a 5’3″, 110 pound child and put her on it. She’s grounded to her room all week and all electronics are prohibited. It’s hard to make any consequence stick well enough for her to learn a lesson, but I’m hoping.
We have had a lot of other crazy chaos going on around here the last few weeks, so I am making a promise right now to update you more by Monday. (I’m trying to build in my own accountability.) :Geek-Girl:
8 Comments on Still Waiting…
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I will be praying for a quick, and right, solution for you all. Yes, the Lord must have something in mind and is working on it as we speak. My heart hurts for you. Please pray for Olivia too. Puberty is not easy on a girl so challenging.
Love you madly. Rebecca
Thanks my friend! Yes, puberty is so NOT our friend. 🙂 Actually went ahead and put Jerilyn on birth control pills on a 3 week rotation so we don’t have to deal with hygiene issues. Thank God for small blessings. 🙂
April-we will certainly be praying for Gerilyn and all of you. I always love to read your blogs. Besides them usually beeing hilarious, it makes me feel blessed and puts my small problems (that I think feel big sometimes) in persepctive. God bless you!
Yeah…Maureen called me yesterday after reading and immediately said, “Thanks for the perspective.” LOL I do the same thing with my friend Terra’s blog, Terra’s Talking…it gives me perspective. 🙂
Praying for His perfect solution to come soon. Happily ready to support you in person for a while tomorrow!
Can’t wait!!!
April, I am always so impressed with how you handle your situation. You are a light for many others as you journey through raising your girls. You keep hanging in there friend, God is at work and I believe He will bless you as you wait for His perfect plan.
Thanks so much Patti.