On my Hip, Hip, Hooray post I mentioned that life had had a lot of ups and downs lately. Hip, Hip, Hooray was one of the ups, now I’m going to tell you about one of the downs. In case you don’t know, my husband, Daniel, owns a Florida based business. It is a franchise, and the company came to him recently and told him that he couldn’t continue working from Arizona. They gave us five options, none of which were good.

This news literally came within 48 hours of finding out that Jerilyn had qualified for all of these services. My pendulum life strikes again. I had a mini breakdown…why right after we get this great news for Jerilyn and our family, do we have to get hit with the chance that we may have to give them all up and move back to Florida. Why, God? Wouldn’t it have been better for us to at least have been denied the services? Why would be so close to solutions for her, only to have to walk away from them?
I’ll admit, that I felt trapped in a lose-lose situation. On one side, these services offered hope for Jerilyn’s future….hope I haven’t had in a long while. These could be life changing for her and our family and there is NOTHING like it offered in Florida at all. On the other side, I have a husband who has invested his blood, sweat and tears into a business that is a big part of his identity and our retirement. I can’t ask him to walk away from that either.
Thankfully, I have a husband who loves God and who trusts him. We started praying. I kept thinking that there has to be another solution that we haven’t considered yet. There was and God revealed it to Daniel a few days later. Long story short, Daniel will maintain his Florida residency, traveling back and forth between the states and our family will be spending summers in Jacksonville. We’ve worked it out so we won’t have to be apart very frequently. We will kinda be like snowbirds, except both of our states are where true snowbirds flock to. 🙂
We had originally thought that Daniel could wait to head out there until summer, but there has been another snag with one of his employees and he has to leave now. The good news is that we have already been able to rehire for the open position and it is someone we have known for a while and are SO excited that she is coming on board. We think God is planning great things for this business!
Bad part is that we will be separated for a few months, so pray for us as I go back to the single mom life and Daniel is living a lonelier bachelor life (as opposed to the crazy chaos he is used to with us around!)