Jerilyn is home again. She is doing wonderfully. It makes me so uber-grateful for places like St. Joes that work with children that are struggling, providing the extra help they need to stabilize again. What a blessing!
She isn’t exhibiting any oppositional behaviors and, although happy at the hospital, she was also happy to come home. I had a meeting this afternoon with her Family Child Team the therapy case manager set up. The state department that has approved us for respite/habilitation services (DDD) was there as well. It was great, because we all know it takes a village to raise a child…and those of us who have special needs children know that it takes a village with tons of money and services as well!
I’m hoping some of the changes we are making around here will help keep Jerilyn in a good place emotionally. I made a huge

schedule mimicking the schedule at the hospital (color coded even…I know…you’re impressed.) We also have a music corner for her now. She is pretty amazing on musical instruments lately…she will teach herself to play a short piece by ear and then transfer it between the piano, recorder, xylophone, drums, and her keyboard.
I’m also excited because although we got approved for services, I hadn’t found the right fit and I think I may have now. I got a call today from a woman who sounds like a good fit. Heck, she even came right out and said that she wanted to let me know that she was a Christian who often prayed with her clients. Amen, Sister! Things are looking up. The pendulum is on the rise once again.
My other girls left for Florida this last weekend to spend Spring Break with their father. It’s always hard to see them go, but I’m jealous that they will get to go to the beach this week. 🙂 Actually, I will get to go to Florida to pick them up next weekend…so maybe I’ll get a glimpse myself.
Let me close with just saying thank you so much for all the prayers this last week…I know that they made the difference. May God bless YOU for your faithfulness.