We all know we are supposed to spend time every day in God’s Word, but we also know that it is a lot easier said than done. Our intentions are good. If only we could live up to them!
The more time we spend in the Bible, the more opportunities we have to hear from God, to feel the encouragement and to grasp the wisdom it offers. All good things….and yet…many of us fail to do it for a myriad of reasons.
I found an easy way to get more of it every day.
The YouVersion Bible app has an option where it will read aloud to you. Multiple versions are available…although my personal preference is The Living Bible. You can also set a timer for how long you would like to listen. Now, every night after I say my prayers and set my alarm, I turn on God’s Word.
After three years of listening to the Bible daily, I can share that the benefits have been amazing! I now recommend it to everyone, and here’s why…
1. Some people just aren’t readers
When I suggest my 14-year-old daughter “read” a book, I can’t even finish the phrase before her eyes roll and a sigh escapes. While my version of a perfect day includes the beach and a book, she would never agree. However, just because she isn’t a fan of reading doesn’t mean she can’t soak herself in God’s Word….by listening.
2. Stop anxious thoughts keeping you awake
I may head to bed, eager to finally rest after an exhausting day, only to find that my mind starts filling up with all the things I still have to do accomplish the following day. Instead of achieving much needed sleep, anxious thoughts keep me up as I watch the minutes and hours tick by. It is on these nights that I found listening to the Bible became an antidote. It calms my anxiety and ushers in peace….and sleep! Praise God!
3. Protection from the enemy
We have an enemy. Satan is never going to “play fair” and will attack at any moment of the day or night. When Jesus was in the wilderness and Satan came to Him, how did He fight back? By speaking God’s Word aloud. Satan and his demons hate the Word of God and in our family we have found any nighttime attacks always end once we turn on the Bible.
4. Helps with understanding
People often tell me that they don’t read the Bible because they have a hard time understanding it. Some people are auditory listeners and others need to look at the words and listen at the same time to increase comprehension. We are all created differently and God meant to do it that way! Listening to a voice actor use inflection in his voice helps many to understand a previously confusing passage.
5. Facilitates memorization
Two of my daughters had an intense love for the book of Esther. Every night, one question from me, “What book would you like to listen to?” Every night, the same answer from them, “Esther.” They must have listened hundreds of times to the familiar story. Now, those words are planted in their hearts. They memorized them without even trying! Repetition is a great way to move something from short-term to long-term memory.
These are just a few of the reasons why listening to God’s Word is an investment you won’t regret!
Add it to your nighttime routine, or your morning drive, or whenever you can take some time to just listen and soak it in. Commit to it by telling us how you plan to include it in your life in the comment section below.
God Bless!!