I feel it in my bones. God is going to do something amazing this weekend at the Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference. He has already showered me with so much love and provision. I am in awe of His absolute wonderfulness.
As I look out the airplane window and see the vast beauty of all He has created, I am so humbled that He sees me. We have a “God Who Sees” all of us.
This feeling reminds me of when I am watching one of my favorite movies with someone who has never seen it before. I keep looking at their face, anticipating their reaction as they see the wonderful scene play out. I think God is watching our lives like a favorite movie He has seen 100 times. He knows what’s coming and is so excited for us. He can’t wait to see our reaction as He unveils the next plot twist, the next surprise. Mind you, not all of the unexpected plot twists in our lives bring joy, but there are plenty that do and today…I am feeling like God is on the edge of His seat, watching for my joyous reaction to His plan.
Trust me, you will have one of those days soon. When both God and your joyful anticipation collide…
A new baby
Job promotion
An amazing church service
An idea for a new book
Our God is so good to us. Live in expectation of His goodness. Then when He unveils the surprise, throw your head back and laugh from the deepest part of your soul, then go tell everyone just how great and glorious our God is.