You know those moments where you are so proud of your kid, you could just burst?! I was blessed enough to have one of those today. The Austin Center for Exceptional Students (ACES) is the school Jerilyn has attended since 6th grade. She has been in their autism program, Rising Stars, and their Jump Start Program. Jerilyn’s essay was chosen to be presented to a group of former and current ACES teachers. Today she presented it herself! I want to share it with you.
Since I’ve been going to The ACES, it has helped me improve a lot. When I was in 6th grade, I had a lot of problems. I would refuse to go to school and when I was at school, I would refuse to do my work in class. I would either refocus for long periods of times or get put into holds for being aggressive towards staff. I also used to use a lot of profanity towards staff when I was upset. I acted that way until I was in about 8th grade. Now, I am a lot better, but I’m still working on improving.
The ACES has helped me in a lot of ways since then. The ACES has helped me to learn self-control, how to communicate politely, and has helped me to treat others the way I want to be treated. I used to say that I hated The ACES, but that was only because I wasn’t getting my way. Now I say that I love The ACES because I’ve seen how much I’ve improved and how much the ACES has done for me. I am so thankful I came to The ACES now because I am in such a better place then when I first got here. I give all my thanks to this school, the staff, and the teachers. Thank you, ACES.
At The ACES we…
Accept responsibility
Communicate politely
Cooperate willingly
Act safely
Respect boundaries
And Achieve our Goals
The ACES….where every student is #1
We fought so hard to get her to this school, but it was worth it! To all the parents out there with special needs kids who are worn out from all the fights…keep it up…one battle at a time. You know what’s best for your kid. Keep fighting until you get it. Kids deserve to be in an environment where they can succeed. Find that environment and pray your way through every barrier you face getting there.
Plenty of people have told me Jerilyn could do well in a typical school with supports, and I’m sure she would have managed, but a special needs school was where I knew she needed to be to thrive. I truly believe if our kids feel like they are always failing compared to those around them, they will see themselves as failures and it will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. However, if we can place them in a school or program where they can be successful, they will believe in their abilities and then…the sky’s the limit! Watch out world…here comes Jerilyn!