Category: Home

Still Playing Catch-Up

Now on to some other updates…

First day of school 2014
First Day of School 2014

Ainsley has started 7th grade ,which means I have two girls in middle school right now. So far, the world hasn’t imploded, although hormones are running high and changing by the nano-second. I am actually super proud of Ainsley. She is making straight A’s, her teachers all love her, and she is making good choices even with the peer pressure surrounding her. Ainsley is also a very talented poet and artist. Friendships are the life-blood for a 13 year old, so join me in praying for some strong Christian friends for her at school and in our youth group.

Daisy is in 5th grade now and just turned ten. This is the first brithday milestone one of my children achieved that gave me pause to consider how the time has flown and just how soon they will be grown and gone. A little hard for this momma. Daisy is such a fun young lady, who seems to draw people to herself and is often surrounded by friends. She has some strong leadership abilities and is quick to tell anyone who asks that she wants to be an “entrepeneur” when she grows up. Her latest business venture is called Family-Friendly Freezer Foods. She has done her market research and is planning on launching it to our neighbors very soon here. My prayer for Daisy is that she is a leader worth following who loves the Lord first and foremost.

We have also had a new addition to our home this year. My nephew Noah, came to live with us in March. He is nine years old and in the fourth grade. Noah is a sweet boy, quick to do his chores, homework, or anything you ask really. Such a change from my girls…LOL. He loves video games, but also enjoys playing games with the family as well. He got a pair of fish recently and takes care of them so well I am almost considering allowing yet another hamster in our home.

Daniel is still going back and forth between Jacksonville and Phoenix. He is here for about a month and gone for the next. It sucks, but we are making it work.

I’ll update you next on all the craziness going on with me as well.

Renovation Time



Daniel was able to be here for a good portion of the last two months and we couldn’t be happier to have him here with us. I had him busy with my many Pinterest projects. First I had him tackle our bedroom renovation. I had already changed the paint color to a blue-grey. Honestly, I was going for a grey grey, but gosh darnit if blue tones didn’t come out. Oh well, still much better than the yellow it was before.

Daniel came in and helped with the headboard idea I stole off of Pinterest. I chose the boards and stained them and then he hung them up for me. Don’t they look great! Really affordable too!


Then we took an old wall mirror and framed it out to match the headboard. Love it! This one took a little more Daniel expertise to actually put the frame together, but the results are outstanding.

To finish off the new look, Daniel also made me the cornice board for the window I dreamed up in my head. Balances everything. Now I just need to find some good curtains to add some color.

With the bedroom looking all nice now, we moved on to the bathroom. I took the whitewashed maple cabinets that were screaming for an update and used Cabinet Transformations to take them from blah to beautiful black. I inlaid bead board before I painted and they turned out wonderful, if I do say so myself. I have to give credit were credit is due though, since I totally swiped the idea off of… guessed it….Pinterest.


Here is one of the blogs I read to figure out how to do it.

Daniel then designed and framed out the bathroom mirror, adding his own personal touch to the top where we inlaid more bead board. Add a new light fixture and a ladder to hold towels (super great Hobby Lobby find) and viola!

I’ve already done another set of bathroom cabinets and I am debating redoing all the kitchen cabinets. We’ll see if I take on that huge challenge.

So what do you think??
