Category: Holidays

My Magnificent Mother’s Day

I had the best Mother’s Day! I knew this one was going to be good because the girls have been working on “secret” gifts for the last two weeks. So sweet! I was blown away by their thoughtfulness, so I have to share here, mostly so I can remember it later (especially on days when maybe they aren’t so sweet….lol.)

Daisy had been working on a craft on our patio for the last week. I wasn’t even allowed to go out there because I might see it. She had MothersDayGifttaken 30 popsicle sticks and painted them all green and wrote chores on each one. Then she took tissue paper and made them all into flowers, along with two carriers for them all. So creative and totally her own idea….along with the other nine gifts she made for me. Love that sweet thing! I feel soooo loved.

Ainsley got up and made me a yummy pancake breakfast, served in bed, along with beautiful cards she made and a necklace she ordered (with Daniel’s help) a few weeks ago for me. She recently wrote this poem for me too and entered it into a contest. Isn’t she brilliant? Seriously….I can’t write a line of poetry and she blows me away because she wrote this in ten minutes.



by Ainsley Broussard


My mom is there when I shut my eyes

My mom is there when I rise

She is there to comfort when I cry

She is there to tell me try

She gives me lots of love and care

I always know she will be there

We have a saying we always say

Something I won’t ever forget, even today

We say to my mom, “We love you”

She says, “I love you more”

There’s a confident spark in her beautiful eyes

Why can’t I be as wise?

I love my mother with all my heart

We will never be set apart

I could say more but more isn’t enough

Narrowing it down would just be too tough

I’ll just let my poem say a thousand words

Hopefully it will be as beautiful as the song of a bird.


I had the chance to talk to Jerilyn today as well, who made me a card and a little something to send. Can’t wait to see it! I feel like a very blessed woman and (at least for today) my girls “arose and called me blessed” like Proverbs 31 says, which is every mother’s dream.



Shameless Pride

Okay…this is the most belated blog ever because I’ve been meaning to post this since Christmas. My sweet 11 year old daughter, Ainsley, couldn’t go to sleep on Christmas Eve (no surprises there). The reason for my shameless pride though is because of what she chose to do with her sleepless night. The next day she told me she read the whole book of Luke and wrote the following prayer for Christmas day:

Dear Father God, creator of all and maker of Heavens we give our thanks to you. Because when we the sinner sinned your heart broke but you didn’t stop loving us so you gave the most wonderful thing one day. Your son. So your son washed our hearts in the blood of the lamb so we could live eternally forever with you. So your son deserves all the presents but he doesn’t accept something made on the outside, he wants something made on the inside so we lift our hearts up to you Lord, Amen.

That’s my Girl!!

(I had to post this so I will never forget it.)

Ainsleys Prayer


Word For The Year

We have another tradition in our family that was passed down from the Knotts family, who got it from the Paige family and every year that we do this, another family joins us. It’s such a great idea!!

All right…here is how it goes. Everyone in the family is responsible for picking their personal “Word for the Year.” It needs to be something that we really want to work on and develop in ourselves over the next year. You can’t achieve a goal you never set, right?!

Once we have chosen our words, everyone then decorates a page that has their word on it. We then place all of these on the fridge or somewhere else where everyone will see it throughout the year as a reminder. I love these pages too, because I keep them year after year so I can make a scrapbook of our words.

Last year we also chose one family word that we wanted to work on as well.

I’ll give you a run down on the last 3 years word choices for myself. In 2009, I chose DISCIPLINE. This one was two-fold. I wanted to be more disciplined in my work. That year I was able to start my own business and I truly did discipline myself to work harder than I ever had before, with much success. I also chose DISCIPLINE because I wanted to focus on following through on disciplining the girls. (That part still needs more help!)

In 2010, I chose the word HOPE. I was really feeling worn down and knew we needed change and I needed to have HOPE that things could change. That year I was able to win a huge court battle to leave the state of Florida and move to live near family in Arizona. Daniel and I also ended up getting engaged. HOPE renewed!!

In 2011, I chose the word BALANCE. As a single mom working two jobs, it’s very hard to achieve balance. I believe much of the credit for this word coming to fruition is because of Daniel. He brings much needed balance into my life. I’m not staying up until 2:00am working every night. (Yes…I recognize the irony in me writing this…because it is 2am right now, but the point is that it isn’t EVERY night.)

The biggest balancing though comes from the fact that I don’t feel like the weight of every decision is on my shoulders anymore. I have a partner who helps carry the weight and even shoulders it all sometimes so I can get a break. I’m a very lucky woman.

I haven’t yet decided on my word for 2012, I’m still praying about it but I know God will plant a word in my heart. There are plenty of areas to choose from that need improvement, I can guarantee that! I’ll let you know once I pick my word. In the meantime, consider starting this tradition in your family. You won’t regret it!

Christmas 2011

Christmas was like all the pieces of a picture coming together. This was Daniel and my first Christmas as a married couple. We also had all the girls for Christmas Day, which meant that we actually celebrated Christmas as a nuclear family. It’s been six years since that happened in our family and Daisy is 7 years old, if that gives you any perspective.

It’s not that we didn’t have nice Christmas’ during that time, but it sure was nice having someone to share the day’s responsibilities and joys. We only get Ainsley and Daisy every other year. I’m so glad that our first Christmas as a family fell on a year when we did have them.

Thinking back on the years, I’ve been so blessed to have friends who filled in the gaps for us. My friend Jen always invited us over for an Italian style Christmas dinner. We were incorporated into their family, which helped because who really wants to make a big Christmas dinner for little girls who don’t eat much.

This year, Daniel, my awesome husband and wonderful chef, headed up the kitchen and treated us to a delectable dinner. We had over 25 people here, including family and friends, who also pitched in. It was a true Christmas feast!

We were also able to continue the Christmas traditions I started with the girls when they were tiny. We went to Christmas Eve service, came home and let the girls open one Christmas gift. This gift is always pajamas to ward off disappointment at choosing the socks/underwear box AND because this way, I know they will look cute the next morning. Then we read ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas….although this year we listened to it via YouTube since I couldn’t find my book. (I assure you…typical “April”)

When the kids were smaller I also used to give them hot chocolate and put them in the car to go look at Christmas lights right before bed. This works like a dream, because warm milk and driving in a car put all little ones to sleep. 🙂

Of course, there were still some surprises for us on Christmas. For instance, this snake Jerilyn managed to catch. It’s her new best friend. I know many of you would have been shocked to see your child with this…for us, it’s just another day with Jerilyn. 🙂

I know that this is just the beginning for our new family and I am so excited to make new Christmas memories in the years to come. Merry Christmas all!!