Category: April

Update on Jerilyn…

I wanted to update everyone since my last post, so many people have contacted me directly to ask how things are going. Jerilyn was admitted to the hospital almost two weeks ago. She is still there. They are changing her meds and trying to clarify her diagnosis. It seems like we are fighting a battle, but don’t know the enemy. Is it autism? Is it a mood disorder? Is it anxiety? Is it ADHD? Is it ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder)?  I do know that she is in the right place with people that are aiming to do the best for her and help. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though.

It’s amazing how quickly your “normal” can change. Now my daily routine includes visiting hours from 6-7 at night. I usually bring a game for us to play, but we’ve never played alone. There are a handful of kids there whose parents don’t come and some that don’t even have any and have been tossed into the system.

I asked God to make us a light in this dark place and he is answering my prayers. I see Jerilyn reaching out to other hurting children trying to comfort them. I see other little faces light up when I come, knowing that they will be invited to have some fun with us. Jesus hasn’t forgotten them and I feel humbled that I can be his arms that give them a hug and his eyes that show someone cares. Please continue your prayers for us and for the other children and families.





Real Life

I’m thirty-five….as of yesterday. Although, I must say I’m feeling much older than that after the day I had. Let me say this first, this blog is about real life and real life is hilarious some days and real life sucks other days. Yesterday was definitely one of those suck-y days.

You don’t know this yet, but my 11-year-old daughter Jerilyn is autistic, and has quite a few struggles on top of that, including ADHD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder, and anxiety.  This weekend she reached a climax and I ended up taking her to the hospital to be admitted into the psych unit. Then, after a 3-hour wait, we were told that she qualified for admittal, but they had no beds.  They called another local hospital, which was also out of beds. Now we are on a waiting list.

The first time I had to admit her to a hospital was about a year and a half ago and it was a very surreal experience. I’ll never forget when I turned around and walked down the hall and heard that door lock behind me.  I felt like the absolute worst mother in the world, and yet I knew it was the best thing I could do for my daughter at the time.

The next day when I went to visit her, we sat in her room talking and playing and I saw another family across the hall. They were being shown their room and the nurses were going over the process, just like they had done with me. I realized instantly, that our story was not unique. There are many families experiencing the same things we do. It’s just not something talked about openly. So I am going to start talking….for us and for them.


As you can see…life is not always easy around here. I’m sure it’s not easy for you either. Some days it feels like I am just struggling to breathe. Desperate to make the right choices, but not sure which option is the best. Sometimes every option I have is bad. I know I won’t end the day with the promise that my problems will be solved by tomorrow.  So the best I can do is cling to HOPE….HOPE  that even when the future looks daunting…with God all things are possible. I’ll cling to HOPE….will you??






First day of school is like Christmas for parents…

I love my children, really…I do. They make me laugh regularly…like when Daisy, my 6 year old, asked this week if she was supposed to clean her shoulders with her shampoo…because it was Head & Shoulders. And yes, she was serious, which is why I began laughing so hard. Then she proceeded to rub the shampoo into her shoulders. Gotta love that Crazy Daisy!

BUT…as much as I love them, the first day of school is one of the happiest days of the year for me. I know I am not alone out there either. Some parents cry when their kids get on the bus the first day because they feel like they are “losing” them….I may cry too, but they are tears of joy….is that so wrong??

This joy may stem from the fact that I am a full time work from home mom, so my workspace is my children’s summer playground. I’m not going to miss things like just starting an important scheduled call only to hear the car (that my girls were supposed to be cleaning) alarm going off and my daughters screaming like banshees. No…I won’t miss those things. And by the way…that cleaning the car thing, don’t think it was out of the goodness of their sweet little hearts….nope, and if they hadn’t argued about who would have to do what, they would have finished that chore about an hour and half before my call.

So, tomorrow….when the bus comes and they take their excited little selves up its steps, you can bet I’ll be waving emphatically,shedding a tear (maybe), and jumping in my car to head off to a much needed celebratory breakfast. Cracker Barrel here I come!

“This is the most wonderful time of the year….”

And then….

Having just read April’s post about the beginnings of her friendships with me and Misty, I just had to give you the rest of the story.  April and I lived near each other for over three years, and during that time we grew as close as sisters.  April’s life is in every sense of the word, a three ring circus.  Add to that Misty’s frequent visits from the east coast, and life really got exciting.  We also had our friend, Maureen, who is my winner of “the Mom of the Year who also doesn’t take herself too seriously” award.  It was such a sweet time in my life, and then I moved.

Moved because of my husband’s job.  Moved because I knew my husband would regret it if we didn’t.  Moved because I felt like God had opened some really heavy doors.  Moved because I love my husband.

As you can probably tell, I didn’t want to leave Florida.  I had incredible friends, a great church, a fulfilling job, a paradise-inspired neighborhood, and was within a day’s drive of my parents.  But you know what I have come to discover (and try to remind myself of frequently)?  The “and thens…” of life are often what you end up counting as some of your greatest blessings.

“And then I moved”….turned into “and now we have our surprise blessing.”  A few months after moving, my husband and I found out we were pregnant with our sweet daughter.  We had prayed for her for years.  Since both of our boys were born in Albuquerque, NM, my husband and I had to ask ourselves, “Are we only fertile in high altitude?” (We live in the Rocky Mountain area.)

“And then I moved”….turned into “and now I get to focus on my husband and children and not my social circle.”

“And then I moved”….turned into “and now we get to live in and explore a beautiful part of our country.”

“And then I moved”….turned into “and now I know what it means to bloom where you’re planted.”

I could go on and on about how the sadness turned into joy.  Of course, I have my days when I miss April’s circus acts, Misty’s smarty pants comments, and Maureen’s hilarious kitchen get-togethers.  But then I just remind myself  that I’m moving in a year or two.  And then…

The Beginnings (Part Two)…

Fast forward 10 years or so to when Julie and I crossed paths. We were both new to Florida. Julie was already friends with Maureen, my new neighbor and soon to be BFF (yes…I stand by the belief that you can have more than one BFF!). Maureen and I were headed to the pool in our neighborhood, already in the stage where we had loaded up small children and tons of gear and had actually made it all the way to the pool parking lot before one of Florida’s legendary “chunky” rainstorms begins.


Julie is rushing out of the pool area now with her boys and runs into us. Maureen quickly introduces us and I invite Julie to join us at my house so we can let the kids play together at least. She gives Maureen the, “Who is this woman I just met inviting me to her [messy…she would discover] house?” After Maureen gives her the “She’s OK” nod, we head to my house and start getting to know each other. You know…details like how Maureen never yells at her kids, I yell at mine too much, and Julie falls into the happy medium. Until the “Crazy Momma” scream just has to come out.

My friendship with Julie was really cemented when she approached me shortly after and said that God had placed it on her heart to begin a Bible study. She was prepared to administrate all the details, but she needed a facilitator. Viola….I am a facilitator AND a horrible administrator. It was a match made in heaven…literally. 🙂  Of course, Julie thought she needed a facilitator because God couldn’t possibly be implying that she should teach as well….WRONG. Julie and I both ended up facilitating a YMCA Bible Study group. Absolutely one of the best honors of my life, to be a part of something that had God’s hand all over it. Thank you Julie for your obedience in beginning a good work. He was and continues to be faithful to complete it!

I love Julie and you will too. She has a heart that loves God and her family with passion. She is my go-to-counselor in life, always full of wise advise and fresh ways of looking at life. Thanks, Jules for helping to keep me sane….or at least close enough that I can fool almost everyone. 🙂

The Beginnings (Part One)…..


Whenever I run across a blog I really like, I find myself scrolling back to discover its beginnings. With that in mind, I decided to start this blog with OUR beginnings.  How I met Misty and Julie and let everything build from there.

I met Misty about 15 years ago now (which by the way blows my mind) at a church we were both starting to attend. The pastor came up to these two young couples (us…back then) and gave us tickets to a AAA baseball game which of course we all politely accepted, even though 3 of the 4 of us hated sports. We endured that day, but little did I know one of the best friendships of my life was just beginning.

I actually remember (I say “actually remember” because I am the queen of forgetfulness and often tell Misty that I need her because she remembers my life WAY better than I do!). Anyway, back to my memory, Misty and I were in a Bible study together and I was thinking it would be really cool to be friends with her…she was and is the funniest person on the planet to me.  If you don’t know Misty yet, you will soon be thinking the same thing!

Thankfully, we both helped each other through a lot of CRAP, which cemented our friendship and now there is absolutely no way we can shake each other. She’s stuck with me for life.  Or I’m stuck with her. It depends on who’s having the breakdown that week.

Well, that’s enough for this post. I like posts to be short since I, and many of you out there, are ADOS – Attention Deficit….Ooh Shiny.  I’ll finish tomorrow with my story of how Julie and I met, another total blessing in my life.