Category: My Book

West Coast Christian Writers Conference Awesomeness

I can literally cry right now thinking about how good God is to me.

I am on a plane on my way back from San Jose to Phoenix and in awe of all God has done over the last few days.

My word for 2017 is Purposeful. A month ago when I sat down with about 3 hours to focus on next steps for my book and re-lauching of my speaking career, I began with a prayer that God would guide this time. That it would be purposefully used.

Well, of course, He did. He reminded me of a literary agency I had run across months prior. When I got to their page, I researched how to submit my proposal to them, but I also ran across a list of conferences their agents attend. It clicked. My personality comes across a lot better in person. I needed to get to one of these conferences. The first one I clicked on was pretty far outside my budget. The second one was practically perfect in every way….just like Mary Poppins. It was in the Bay Area, so I could stay with friends and family and the cost to go was amazing low…which meant I could totally swing it.

This is the only picture I took at the conference so you get to see a little lady popping out of my hair. Enjoy. 🙂

Ainsley was already going to be gone for the weekend on a mission trip with a sweet family who invited her to go with them. Jerilyn can always stay at the group home if needed. All I would have to do is cover someone to hang with Daisy, which was quickly solved the next morning. I booked the trip without a second thought.

I absolutely believed God had good things planned.

The event was a month away. A couple weeks after I registered they announced they would be offering one-on-one coaching and critique sessions with industry professionals, including the two literary agents attending (who, by the way, were from great agencies that were in my first picks to work with if possible.) However, there were limited time slots and you had to apply and submit work to be considered.

By God’s awesome grace, I was offered one of the spots with an agent. I only had time to attend one session on the first day of the conference before my session, and it just so happened to be one of the sessions she was teaching on the agent-author relationship. I felt like I got to know her as she spoke and was impressed by her knowledge and sweet spirit as well.

Next, I was able to go into my session with her. She started off apologizing that she hadn’t had a chance to read through my work but had heard it was terrific or fabulous….I can’t remember….but, whatever she said made my heart happy. We had only 15 minutes, so I started with my 30 second speech and then just got to chatting. Around the 5 minute mark, she asked me to email her my full proposal directly. I took that as a great sign of God’s favor on this project.

We spent the next 10 minutes getting to know each other. Her last question to me was what other projects I was working on. I let her know about the courtroom victories stories I was compiling for my next book. She seemed to get excited about that right away and even suggested the title, “God in the Courtroom.” I can’t tell you how encouraged I felt leaving that room.

My big hope in coming was to get a literary agent interested in reading my proposal and it had been accomplished. Miracle #1. Yay God!

However, I wasn’t done with my big dreams and big prayers for the conference. About a week before the conference, they announced they would be giving away a scholarship to a speaking conference the following month. And the conference was in Prescott…less than two hours away from Phoenix. As soon as I saw that, I began praying for God’s favor. I prayed a prayer circle around it. (Thank you Mark Batterson!)

To enter the contest for the scholarship, you had to answer questions about why you deserved it, what you planned on doing, etc. I filled it all out and prayed.

Bet you can guess what happened? Nope. You can’t. Because it was unexpected. They only had one scholarship to give away. However, the day before the conference, someone had gone to the graduates of the program last year and had surprised Kathy Lipp with offering to sponsor two half scholarships as well.

I was sitting in my chair and they called the first half scholarship. Not me. I knew my name would be either next…or next after that. I didn’t care which. I just KNEW it would be called. Not out of pride, but out of trusting God’s calling on my life and his moving in my spirit that it was time to get all of this kicked into high gear. Second half scholarship….April Chapman. Woo hoo!!! I jumped out of my seat and hollered. Miracle #2.

Out of all the attendees at the conference there was one woman who I had hoped to meet because her ministry was to the special needs community and to families in crisis. I was feeling some serious overlap with my heart. Well…she won the full scholarship to the Speakers Conference and now we get to be roomies! Already feel like we will be fast friends. Her name is Diane Kim. Miracle #3.

We had a worship service led by Josiah James next where I could literally not stop the tears rolling down as I thought of how good God is to me.

I CAN NOT wait for the Leverage Conference next month. Excited to pray circles around it and see what God does!

Dreaming big dreams.



Update On My Book

Beta readers. Check.

Edits completed. Check.

Title – “An EXTREME GOD for EXTREME TIMES”. Check.

Proposal written. Check.

Next step, finding the literary agent God has chosen for this book. It is in His hands. I’ve sent it to a handful of agents on this first round and now it is a waiting game. It can take months to hear back. All in God’s time.

Just to give you a little background. God spoke to my heart many years ago letting me know his plan included me writing a book. At the time, I remember thinking I had no idea what I would write about! Of course, I didn’t know I was in the beginning phases of living the life he wanted me to pen (or more accurately…type) later.

About 15 years ago I released my “fear of trials” to God and told him I didn’t want to live in fear. He certainly took me at my word and I’ve had a steady stream of trials or extreme times ever since. But guess what?? I’m no longer living in fear. God has given me plenty of opportunities to stretch my faith muscles to the point that I can fully and completely get behind this verse found in James 1:3…

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

This last year, although not without its challenges, has been a season of blessing in so many ways. It feels as though we are making our way out of the desert we’ve been wandering around in for so long. God has taught me so many things along the journey and I pray that He allows me to minister to others who need encouragement and hope.

I am also re-launching my speaking career….more to come in future posts. Super excited about doing what I love though, I have truly missed it.

I am attending a writer’s conference this weekend. Please pray for “God-encounters.” I love being surprised by God and seeing how He is working in the lives of those all around us. Also, please pray for God’s favor on me and to open the door that leads me to the correct literary agent.

A Time To Be Born

(Excerpt from my book)


Birth Day

On September 5, 2004 I was nine months pregnant and Hurricane Frances was sweeping across the state of Florida, heading straight towards Tampa, and us. As luck would have it, the barometric pressure dropped enough to put my overdue body into labor. My husband and I got in the car and headed to the hospital. Oh wait. We weren’t going to a hospital; we were going to a “birth center.” A birth center can sound like a great plan when you are not in labor and can still envision a perfect birth. However, when facing a hurricane with 145 mph winds, my birth center looked like a little house, surrounded by WAY too many trees.

We drove through the wind and rain, carefully navigating the already fallen trees to get there. Once we arrived, labor was in full force and there was no other option but to just push through. (Pun intended, of course.) In my defense, I chose a natural birth with my first daughter and I assumed this second one would be just as wonderful of an experience. Never assume anything. First off, this time it hurt….worse. All I kept thinking was “Get me that epidural,” only I didn’t have access to an epidural at a birth center with a midwife.

No water. No electricity. Definitely no epidural. And finally, no going to any hospital since roads were blocked and I’m pretty sure the ambulances were otherwise engaged. Then, as the eye of the hurricane was passing over us and the distinct stillness of the winds saturated our senses, Daisy Marie entered our world. The traumatic experience wasn’t over yet though because she was all blue and not breathing.  My world truly did stop spinning as I waited the longest moments of my life, for her to breathe. Finally, her beautiful cry erupted. Daisy was here, all 9.1 pounds of her. Yes…ouch.

We all enter into this world after hanging out in a womb until it is our time to be born. For some, like Daisy, the birth is filled with drama. For others, like my best friend Misty, it means coming early, as a tiny four-pounder resembling a drowned rat. Her words, not mine. However, every birth experience is unique and life changing.

We obviously don’t choose how or when we come into this world, but we were chosen to come. God chose each of us specifically.  It is a relief to know none of us are accidents, at least not in God’s eyes, although our parents may have a totally different take on this.

Spiritual Birth Day

Although we may not have a lot of say in how and when we are physically born into this world, we do get to determine if we are reborn.

3 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again,you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”4 “What do you mean?” exclaimed Nicodemus. “How can an old man go back into his mother’s womb and be born again?”  5 Jesus replied, “I assure you, no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the Spirit. 6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. 7 So don’t be surprised when I say, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3: 3-7, NLT)

We experience the joy and privilege of being born again once we choose to start our life with our awesome heavenly Father. Interestingly, just as men pursue women, which can result in a physical birth, our heavenly Father pursues us, which leads to our spiritual birth.

Although I don’t remember my physical birth and I don’t think I’m alone in this, I could never forget my spiritual Birth Day. I was a little lady of six. First off, don’t let anyone tell you a small child cannot make an eternal decision. God’s timing is all that matters, not the limitations and qualifiers we are sometimes guilty of placing on people.

I remember telling my parents I was ready to make a decision for Christ and I wanted to walk down the aisle in church on Sunday. When Sunday came around, I could hardly wait until the end of the sermon and as soon as they started the weekly invitational hymn I popped out of the pew and headed down to the front. I sat there with my pastor and prayed. I immediately felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders and thrown as far as the East is from the West! I felt light and free. Even at six I was amazed because I couldn’t remember ever feeling that weight until, all of a sudden, it was gone.

I will NEVER forget that moment. You know what I love most about it? It is the fact I never, ever question whether I was saved. It’s as clear to me as the fact that the sun will rise tomorrow. I know not everyone has the kind of salvation experience that leaves no doubt, but God our Father wants us to be confident of our salvation. If you aren’t confident, seek Him and lay those fears down once and for all.


My Book

I mentioned earlier in this blog that I was working on writing a book. I’ve decided to start posting excerpts of it. I would love your feedback!

First, let me tell you how I arrived at this point. Have you ever felt certain of a future event in your life? You know…getting married one day, having children, or working in a specific field? I think we all have. Well, I just knew one day I was going to write a book. I knew this even before I really had lived the life and learning experiences God wanted me to write about, all in the hope of encouraging others.

Earlier this year, I started praying seriously about my writing. In my prayers, I shared my heart and my desire with God to get started, but also the fact that I didn’t have the structure ironed out and I desperately needed God for that. I think my prayer went like this…

“God my heart is willing, but you know my weaknesses. I don’t know how to structure it, so I need you to structure it for me. Help organize my thoughts. Please, Lord!”

It was only a few days later while I was reading Ecclesiastes that I felt God speak to me. I was in Ecclesiastes 3, which is the “A Time To Be” chapter. You know….a time to be born, a time to die, etc. After reading it through the first time,  I felt the Holy Spirit tell me to read it again. I did. Again, I felt the prompting of the Spirit to read it once more…slower. Once I did, ideas started popping with each “A time to be.” For instance, when I read “a time to be born,” my mind started popping with different interpretations…physical birth, spiritual birth, the birth of a dream.  I knew God had answered my prayer. I was to use each “A time to be” as a chapter! Structure….Done. God is so good to me!!

I’m excited to share what God has laid on my heart to write. My prayer is that my readers are able to laugh, be encouraged, and not feel so alone in their struggles. God’s Word says it best…

“He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” 2 Cor 1:4

I want to live that verse out. Let me know what you think as I share. Please leave comments, so I can grasp if I am heading in the right direction. 🙂

Much Love,
