Category: April

Moving Past “Unfair”

We have all felt the sting of unfairness.

A promotion goes to a less deserving employee

One woman has an unwanted pregnancy, while you struggle with infertility.

An uninsured driver is at fault and you have to foot the bill.

Lies or rumors are spread about you.

It hurts. Yet, if we sit with that hurt and let it become our focus, we wind up with bitterness and no change to the situation in the first place. Unfairness is a fact of life.

Yes, it stinks.

Life’s not fair.

The question is…How do we handle our feelings in a Godly way?

Let’s take a deep dive and examine our expectations. Our hurt and pain can begin with false expectations. We expect fairness.

Many years ago, my best friend was complaining about a situation which was quite unfair. While she was speaking God impressed upon me to ask her….Was it “fair” that Jesus, the only perfect person to ever walk on this planet, was wrongfully accused and brutally murdered for you? The answer was an obvious no. Jesus didn’t receive fairness, but somehow we, imperfect as we are, think we are entitled to it.

The great thing about having a wise best friend is that when I was later complaining about the unjustness being doled out to me by my ex-husband and the courts, she reminded me of what I had said to her. God bless her, I needed that. I confessed it and let that expectation go… again, not that it would be the last time though.

Our expectations must change. I’ve come to discover fairness is an opinion, not a fact. What’s best for me is most likely not best for someone else. If I randomly win a contest for something I don’t need, while another contestant who desperately needs it goes without, is it fair? With the concept of fairness being subjective, how can we possibly live in expectation of it? What we usually want is favor, not fairness. We want things to work out for OUR good.

Fairness relies on an outside party to make a decision in our favor. The good news is if we are Christians we can ask God directly for His favor.

A good man obtains favor from the LORD. Proverbs 12:2a (ESV)

Of course, God is not a favor slot machine. However, I have witnessed the favor of God on those in unfair circumstances. Sometimes it is in the strength to endure, or in the peace than emanates, or in an unwavering faith, or in His hand turning the odds into their favor.

Take heart in the fact that the One who created the sun and stars knows you by name and calls you His own. Everything this earth can offer you…

…a promotion

…a pregnancy


….a reputation

all pale in comparison to what God guarantees, an eternity in heaven.

Until we get there, we are stuck dealing with the unfair situations prevalent in this world. Of course, Moving Past “Unfair” is easier said than done, so I have outlined seven steps below and included a FREE download of a customizable chart you can begin using today which offers a step-by-step approach to processing your own situations. Make a decision…do you want to grow bitter or better? Well then…get moving!


Youth Groups: An Experience of Yesterday??

Growing up, my youth group was the highlight of my teen years. I made my best friends there. Every time the church doors were open, we were there. Sunday morning in Sunday School, followed by a Sunday evening service where we all sat together (and tried not to get in trouble for talking), then Wednesday Bible study, and throw in another night of the week where we hung out. Not to mention summer camps and choir tours. Deep relationships take time. And we surely invested the time, and it shows, even to this day, we stay connected on Facebook and I’m sure they will be among some of the firsts to read this post.

Try as I might, I can’t recreate the same environment for my children to grow up in. In my effort to get them to connect to a youth group, we have moved churches, attended youth camps (with our church and even with friends’ churches), had lengthy discussions about its importance, all to no avail. None of my three teenage daughters feel a connection to a youth group. What is missing? I don’t know, but I wish I had the answers.

It feels like youth today are so distracted—by their phones, social networks, and extra-curricular activities. They are interested in having a lot of “friends”, but are missing out on the depth of those relationships. Even when they are together, they are often looking at their phones and not each other.

Getting on the bus for one of our youth trips. Our beloved youth pastor, George, herding us in.

Not only did the youth groups of yesterday spend a lot of time together, when we did, it was without technology to distract us from living in the present. We had looooong van or bus rides and spent many a “lock-in” with our main entertainment being talking to each other. We blew passed the conversations acquaintances have, because those dry up in ten minutes, and talked about everything and anything.

I’m not saying our youth groups were perfect. We had cliques. We had popularity issues. But, we did feel connected. We did, and still do, love each other.

I hope I’m wrong. I hope there are still youth groups out there where kids are feeling connected. In fact, if your teen is involved in one and it is totally working for them, let me know what you think is making it work. Is there some way to reach this generation we need to incorporate into our churches? Please share your successes or observations. I’d love to hear them.

West Coast Christian Writers Conference Awesomeness

I can literally cry right now thinking about how good God is to me.

I am on a plane on my way back from San Jose to Phoenix and in awe of all God has done over the last few days.

My word for 2017 is Purposeful. A month ago when I sat down with about 3 hours to focus on next steps for my book and re-lauching of my speaking career, I began with a prayer that God would guide this time. That it would be purposefully used.

Well, of course, He did. He reminded me of a literary agency I had run across months prior. When I got to their page, I researched how to submit my proposal to them, but I also ran across a list of conferences their agents attend. It clicked. My personality comes across a lot better in person. I needed to get to one of these conferences. The first one I clicked on was pretty far outside my budget. The second one was practically perfect in every way….just like Mary Poppins. It was in the Bay Area, so I could stay with friends and family and the cost to go was amazing low…which meant I could totally swing it.

This is the only picture I took at the conference so you get to see a little lady popping out of my hair. Enjoy. 🙂

Ainsley was already going to be gone for the weekend on a mission trip with a sweet family who invited her to go with them. Jerilyn can always stay at the group home if needed. All I would have to do is cover someone to hang with Daisy, which was quickly solved the next morning. I booked the trip without a second thought.

I absolutely believed God had good things planned.

The event was a month away. A couple weeks after I registered they announced they would be offering one-on-one coaching and critique sessions with industry professionals, including the two literary agents attending (who, by the way, were from great agencies that were in my first picks to work with if possible.) However, there were limited time slots and you had to apply and submit work to be considered.

By God’s awesome grace, I was offered one of the spots with an agent. I only had time to attend one session on the first day of the conference before my session, and it just so happened to be one of the sessions she was teaching on the agent-author relationship. I felt like I got to know her as she spoke and was impressed by her knowledge and sweet spirit as well.

Next, I was able to go into my session with her. She started off apologizing that she hadn’t had a chance to read through my work but had heard it was terrific or fabulous….I can’t remember….but, whatever she said made my heart happy. We had only 15 minutes, so I started with my 30 second speech and then just got to chatting. Around the 5 minute mark, she asked me to email her my full proposal directly. I took that as a great sign of God’s favor on this project.

We spent the next 10 minutes getting to know each other. Her last question to me was what other projects I was working on. I let her know about the courtroom victories stories I was compiling for my next book. She seemed to get excited about that right away and even suggested the title, “God in the Courtroom.” I can’t tell you how encouraged I felt leaving that room.

My big hope in coming was to get a literary agent interested in reading my proposal and it had been accomplished. Miracle #1. Yay God!

However, I wasn’t done with my big dreams and big prayers for the conference. About a week before the conference, they announced they would be giving away a scholarship to a speaking conference the following month. And the conference was in Prescott…less than two hours away from Phoenix. As soon as I saw that, I began praying for God’s favor. I prayed a prayer circle around it. (Thank you Mark Batterson!)

To enter the contest for the scholarship, you had to answer questions about why you deserved it, what you planned on doing, etc. I filled it all out and prayed.

Bet you can guess what happened? Nope. You can’t. Because it was unexpected. They only had one scholarship to give away. However, the day before the conference, someone had gone to the graduates of the program last year and had surprised Kathy Lipp with offering to sponsor two half scholarships as well.

I was sitting in my chair and they called the first half scholarship. Not me. I knew my name would be either next…or next after that. I didn’t care which. I just KNEW it would be called. Not out of pride, but out of trusting God’s calling on my life and his moving in my spirit that it was time to get all of this kicked into high gear. Second half scholarship….April Chapman. Woo hoo!!! I jumped out of my seat and hollered. Miracle #2.

Out of all the attendees at the conference there was one woman who I had hoped to meet because her ministry was to the special needs community and to families in crisis. I was feeling some serious overlap with my heart. Well…she won the full scholarship to the Speakers Conference and now we get to be roomies! Already feel like we will be fast friends. Her name is Diane Kim. Miracle #3.

We had a worship service led by Josiah James next where I could literally not stop the tears rolling down as I thought of how good God is to me.

I CAN NOT wait for the Leverage Conference next month. Excited to pray circles around it and see what God does!

Dreaming big dreams.



Update On My Book

Beta readers. Check.

Edits completed. Check.

Title – “An EXTREME GOD for EXTREME TIMES”. Check.

Proposal written. Check.

Next step, finding the literary agent God has chosen for this book. It is in His hands. I’ve sent it to a handful of agents on this first round and now it is a waiting game. It can take months to hear back. All in God’s time.

Just to give you a little background. God spoke to my heart many years ago letting me know his plan included me writing a book. At the time, I remember thinking I had no idea what I would write about! Of course, I didn’t know I was in the beginning phases of living the life he wanted me to pen (or more accurately…type) later.

About 15 years ago I released my “fear of trials” to God and told him I didn’t want to live in fear. He certainly took me at my word and I’ve had a steady stream of trials or extreme times ever since. But guess what?? I’m no longer living in fear. God has given me plenty of opportunities to stretch my faith muscles to the point that I can fully and completely get behind this verse found in James 1:3…

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

This last year, although not without its challenges, has been a season of blessing in so many ways. It feels as though we are making our way out of the desert we’ve been wandering around in for so long. God has taught me so many things along the journey and I pray that He allows me to minister to others who need encouragement and hope.

I am also re-launching my speaking career….more to come in future posts. Super excited about doing what I love though, I have truly missed it.

I am attending a writer’s conference this weekend. Please pray for “God-encounters.” I love being surprised by God and seeing how He is working in the lives of those all around us. Also, please pray for God’s favor on me and to open the door that leads me to the correct literary agent.


I know many of you were praying on August 13th, when we were scheduled for trial, but it was unexpectedly delayed once again. I was so disappointed. But once September 8th rolled around I felt ready. Totally at peace, which I am sure, was absolutely a direct result of so many people praying for me, because feeling at peace or calm when you head into court is a miracle by itself. I was asking God for 3 miracles…

  1. The Judge would make a same-day ruling. (Very uncommon here in Arizona…usually a Judge takes 4-6 weeks to rule on this kind of matter.)
  2. Mr. X would walk away with zero parenting time. (Basically no visitation)
  3. Mr. X would be stripped of his legal decision-making authority so I could be free to make all the medical, educational and religious decisions regarding the girls.

Court started with some possible setbacks. The judge informed us that we would each have only an hour instead of the original hour and fifteen minutes. This worried me because I was already stressed about needing MORE time since I had two witnesses and almost 20 pieces of evidence to get into the record. Also, Mr. X brought his current girlfriend (even though he has a current wife as well) and convinced the Judge to let her sit at the table with him as his Occupational Therapist. Lastly, Mr. X had been required to show proof regarding the earlier delay he caused in August and the Judge ended up accepting his extremely weak proof. Normally, this would cause me to feel sucker-punched and get me worried about the rest of the case, but this time I felt a supernatural peace, and took it all in stride. “Whatevs…”

Mr. X took the stand first. He wasn’t prepared and had NO pieces of evidence. He was also prevented from admitting any evidence since he had missed the original deadline. His testimony included a fabricated disability and misleading information about a past job. I was able to cross-examine him, but it was extremely difficult because…surprise, surprise…he just so happens to be a belligerent witness…refusing to answer any question directly and sucking up all my time with talking around the issues.

One of the things I was able to corner him about was his dog. Our youngest daughter is deathly allergic to ALL dogs…and no…there is no such thing as a “hypoallergenic” dog for her. She is allergic to dog dander or skin…which all dogs have. I have had to epi pen her before for dogs, and her allergist said she has the highest allergy of anyone she has ever treated for a dog allergy. So…Mr. X having a dog is a big no no if he wants to be able to see his daughter. He claimed his Maltese was a service dog…for his undocumented and unverified eye-sight disability. Sure appeared he chose a dog over a future with his daughter…not a good strategic move, right?

Once he was off the stand, my daughters’ therapist went on. She did an excellent job conveying the extent of previous abuse and communicating the desires of the girls to the judge. The ironic thing was that after I finished questioning her and as we waited for him to begin the cross-examination, I thought of a few clarifications I still needed to ask her. Well…Mr. X unwittingly did it for me. His last question was what kind of training she had, which allowed her to end her testimony mentioning her multiple master degrees and that she was only three classes away from completing her PhD. Perfect! I couldn’t have planned it better.

I was next on the stand. Unfortunately, I only had twelve minutes in which to give my entire testimony. Twelve. Minutes. Ackk!

I took my notes up to the stand and basically read them at break-neck speed. Now, all of you who know me and have heard me speak, know I can talk fast….really fast. The awesome thing was that the Judge never told me to slow down, he just took furiously fast notes. I was able to get my most important pieces of evidence in…including a letter from a psychiatrist in favor of removing Mr. X’s parenting due to the abuse of another child (not one of ours), four of my Orders of Protection, and past Department of Child Safety reports.

Mr. X then cross-examined me. Whenever he asked a question, he yelled at me to only say Yes or No. It was especially ridiculous because he had bloviated on all the questions during his testimony, but didn’t want me to be able to elaborate at all. He just came off as a jerk (or should I say psychopath). The Judge told me to just stick to yes or no. This normally would concern me, but I still had such a peace I didn’t worry about it.

Mr. X only had a few questions for me since he obviously hadn’t prepared any ahead of time. Then we were done. The Judge said he wanted to take 15 minutes to deliberate and then he would return with a ruling. (MIRACLE #1) Within a minute or two of him leaving the courtroom all of a sudden two armed guards appeared. It was the first time I actually felt hope take flight. If he wanted two armed guards…maybe it was because he was about to lay down a ruling he knew Mr. X would not like.

After about 20 minutes, the Judge returned. Our case included about 25 different statutes/conditions the Judge would need to consider. He went through EACH one. He would read it and then elaborate, basically EVERY SINGLE TIME stating how Mr. X had failed in the area. Whenever one would come up that would include me, the Judge supported my parenting…even saying from the bench that I was a good mother out to protect my children. He told Mr. X he didn’t find him to be a credible witness and used his testimony against him. He told him he found him to be the perpetrator of “significant” domestic violence. He had also done his research about all my Orders of Protection and seemed amazed that FIVE separate commissioners had approved my previous orders, basically telling Mr. X it “doesn’t matter who she gets in front of” they see the need for protection. Which was AWESOME because it meant the Judge had seen through all the lies and landed on the truth. Praise Jesus!!

At the very end, he pronounced NO parenting time and NO legal decision-making. MIRACLE #2 AND #3!!!

I was also able to serve Mr. X while he was in court since he refuses to give us a current address regarding how delinquent he is in child support…around $30K. So, it looks like I will be in court again soon about that but PRAISE GOD everything else besides my girls safety is just secondary. We have what we need….each other and peace for our future.

I can’t thank you all enough for the way so many of you went to your knees in prayer for us. I will surely be in your “Thank You” line in heaven. Like I said in my Facebook post…I see this as a kingdom victory. We had an army of prayer warriors.

I am currently writing a book on courtroom victories, so if you know of anyone who wants to give God all the glory for what He has done for them in court, send them my way.

Love These Girls!
Love These Girls!

My Magnificent Mother’s Day

I had the best Mother’s Day! I knew this one was going to be good because the girls have been working on “secret” gifts for the last two weeks. So sweet! I was blown away by their thoughtfulness, so I have to share here, mostly so I can remember it later (especially on days when maybe they aren’t so sweet….lol.)

Daisy had been working on a craft on our patio for the last week. I wasn’t even allowed to go out there because I might see it. She had MothersDayGifttaken 30 popsicle sticks and painted them all green and wrote chores on each one. Then she took tissue paper and made them all into flowers, along with two carriers for them all. So creative and totally her own idea….along with the other nine gifts she made for me. Love that sweet thing! I feel soooo loved.

Ainsley got up and made me a yummy pancake breakfast, served in bed, along with beautiful cards she made and a necklace she ordered (with Daniel’s help) a few weeks ago for me. She recently wrote this poem for me too and entered it into a contest. Isn’t she brilliant? Seriously….I can’t write a line of poetry and she blows me away because she wrote this in ten minutes.



by Ainsley Broussard


My mom is there when I shut my eyes

My mom is there when I rise

She is there to comfort when I cry

She is there to tell me try

She gives me lots of love and care

I always know she will be there

We have a saying we always say

Something I won’t ever forget, even today

We say to my mom, “We love you”

She says, “I love you more”

There’s a confident spark in her beautiful eyes

Why can’t I be as wise?

I love my mother with all my heart

We will never be set apart

I could say more but more isn’t enough

Narrowing it down would just be too tough

I’ll just let my poem say a thousand words

Hopefully it will be as beautiful as the song of a bird.


I had the chance to talk to Jerilyn today as well, who made me a card and a little something to send. Can’t wait to see it! I feel like a very blessed woman and (at least for today) my girls “arose and called me blessed” like Proverbs 31 says, which is every mother’s dream.



Ignite Phoenix

ignite-phoenix So much going on! This weekend I was able to present at Ignite Phoenix 14 on the topic “Parenting A Mentally Ill Child.” Ignite events are held all over the country and have become increasingly popular. Anyone can apply to be a speaker on a topic they are passionate about, but they only choose eighteen. The catch is you only have five minutes to speak, so your message needs to be focused and powerful.

There were a few reasons this event was so important for me. First, as many of you know, I have been a speaker for years on social media and mobile technology, but this was the first time God gave me a platform to speak on something from my personal life. I feel like it is God’s true calling on my life, with my big dream being to speak to women encouraging them in their faith, regardless of circumstances.

The second reason I was excited to speak at this event was because it is so far reaching. It was a sold out event, filling 850 seats plus it streams live to many more. After the show, they post everything on YouTube, which also get a lot of views. I felt like my message could really get out there. Don’t worry…I will be posting it here as soon as it is up on YouTube. (UPDATE: It’s already been posted. I’ve included it at the bottom of this post.)

The night of the event went really well. We had some crazy and funny topics being presented such as Chicken Personality Disorder and OMG Fighting Back Against Hyperbole. I was near the end of the event with one of the more serious topics. As much as I love to make an audience laugh, my topic was the one that made them cry.

After the event I had the privilege of meeting other families who have faced similar struggles. It’s encouraging to speak on a topicIgnite.pic that seems to be “taboo” in our culture and yet find so many people that either relate or who are filled with compassion and an eagerness to help.

I also want to update you all on how Jerilyn is doing in Texas. Fabulous! She got to use the Rope Course last week and, of course, impressed everyone with her ability to climb absolutely anything. Most days I talk to her she sounds stable and she really enjoys the school there. She is still having her ups and downs and hasn’t been able to hold on to a roommate, usually because she ends up getting upset at them. I know she still isn’t participating in group therapy sessions either. However, she is doing better overall, which is the goal. Baby steps, baby steps. Thank you again for all your prayers.

I want to end this post the same way I ended my speech: “Let’s stop the silence. Let’s start talking about mental illness. My daughter needs this conversation to start. Don’t let it end here.”




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Prayers Made The Difference

PrayerWarriors-goldThank you to all our prayer warriors out there! As many of you know from my Facebook posts…we did finally make it into a behavioral health facility after 33 hours of waiting.

Allow me to describe the process for you who (hopefully) will never have to experience it. Once you check in to an ER, the doctor sees the patient and makes a determination if the patient is in need of hospitalization. Once the doctor determines that he/she is, you wait and wait and wait until the social worker comes to ask you all the same questions the doctor did. It then becomes the social worker’s job to find a bed available for the patient in either the current hospital or hopefully one in the area. They leave to make calls and then you wait, and wait, and wait for hours to find out whether they have landed a bed for you. There are horror stories of people being in these small ER rooms for days and days while they wait.

Often, the social worker comes back to tell you there aren’t any available beds because it seems that there is a very elaborate algorithm in order to determine if a unit can take another patient. Gender is important. Age is also a factor, a facility may have a bed available for a 16 year old, but not a 13 year old. Then, for us, it is always the added necessity of a one-on-one aid. Jerilyn usually needs one and this requires more staffing, and sometimes they just can’t find staff for it.

We lost beds this go around after I thought we had them once because she was a female and there were only male beds available and a second time because she needed one-on-one support. It’s so disheartening once you think you have a bed, only to lose it. After waiting a few hours with no response from the social worker this time, I had an aha moment when I realized I could start making these calls and lobbying (literally) to get Jerilyn to the top of the waiting list of as many places as possible.

I was actually told by one facility that it was good I was calling…it makes a difference when a parent was calling. I told him, “Well, Adam, prepare to be my new best friend, because I will be calling often today.” Thankfully, he responded with “I look forward to your call.”  The sad part was realizing a lot of the kiddos who need desperate help are actually just dropped off in the ER with no one to make those calls on their behalf. They sit and wait alone, getting pushed to the bottom of the list, because no one cares enough to make them a priority.

Guess which facility we got into? The one where my new best friend, Adam, worked. I happened to call again just as a bed was opening up for, you guessed it, a 13 year old girl….praise God!!

God inhabits the prayers of his people and so many of you were praying for us. I am so utterly thankful and truly feel prayer is what made the difference.

We also had another CFT (Child Family Team) meeting yesterday. Sixteen participants. Multiple service providers and people involved in coordinating care for Jerilyn. Sixteen is a very large group and that alone shows the intensity of Jerilyn’s case. The blessing was that everyone seemed to be on the same page, understanding of the turmoil Jerilyn is in and ready to start agreeing on solutions. Before this meeting, it seemed that most agencies were avoiding responsibility and busy trying to push off the problems to another agency.


We will see if this new understanding holds true once we get closer to Jerilyn’s release from the hospitalization. At this junction, they are expecting her to be in for about three weeks to stabilize her meds.

Obviously, we still need your prayers. Ainsley, Daisy and I have all been sick over the last week. Daisy has been home with her asthmagiving her trouble since Monday afternoon. When it rains, it pours….and sometimes it feels like the best we get around here are the days when it only sprinkles! I’ve decided to look for the rainbow. The beauty of a rainbow is revealed even while it is still sprinkling. Keep praying for Jerilyn!! Our God is a God of miracles and I plan to keep asking for them.

Love you all. Blessings to you!!

ER Slumber Party…Sort Of

….Only discrepancies are that you get no slumber and it is no party.

ERTonight I sit in a tiny ER patient room hoping and praying that tomorrow will bring an admission into a behavioral health hospital for Jerilyn. She has been struggling and honestly, could have been admitted a couple weeks ago, but behavioral coaches had just started working with her and I wanted to give this solution a chance. Actually, what I wanted to do was prove that “behavioral coaching” was going to fail so that the ‘Powers That Be’ residing over Jerilyn’s out-of-home placement would wake up!

Exactly what I said would happen, happened. She became increasingly non-compliant with the coaches. No incentives, no consequences move Jerilyn once she has made up her mind. It was a short school week since they had off for President’s Day on Monday. Nevertheless, Jerilyn was non-compliant three out of the four mornings for school. Meaning…she wouldn’t get up and go. I had TWO behavior coaches there to help and still…nothing.

Sidenote: All you parents of normal kids who are thinking to yourself…well, you just need to give her better consequences…trust me, we’ve tried whatever you are thinking. 🙂

What she probably needs is an out-of-state placement because apparently no residential treatment centers in state can meet both her autism needs as well as her behavioral health needs. Of course out-of-state means out-of-budget to these agencies so we have to try and fail every other avenue before they will consider what those of us who understand Jerilyn best, already know.

During the worst meltdown yesterday in this room, she lashed out at me verbally for a good 15 minutes before her behavior coach suggested I take a walk. I left and only made it a few feet before I saw the looks of pity/understanding from the others outside the room.188_TEAR_PRINCE VIJ One of the guys told me to hang in there. Oh no…he showed compassion. I can stay strong as steel until compassion hits my heart and then I can’t stop the tears. Strangers bringing me tissues and patting my shoulder help and make me cry harder all at the same time. Mostly I am just so sad that Jerilyn needs more help than I can give her. I honestly don’t take her words seriously, it’s the pain behind them that kills me. She doesn’t want to be alive because her world is filled with pain and overwhelming challenges that neither her, nor I, can just wish away.

When I came back to her room, she was so sad. “Mom, I didn’t mean the things I said. I don’t know why I can’t stop. I’m so sorry.”

“I know Jerilyn. It’s okay. I forgive you.”

This time and next time.

Please Lord, open up a placement for Jerilyn that is going to be a safe environment for her with a doctor who has wisdom and discernment. If there is a medication out there that would help her, please lead us to it. If there is a out-of-home placement that would improve her quality of life, please help us find it. Bind Satan from his relentless attacks on her and on our family. Strengthen us. Surround us with your warrior angels. Supply us with your peace that passes understanding that we might be witnesses to the truth of Isaiah 43:2.

When you go through deep waters,
I will be with you.
When you go through rivers of difficulty,
you will not drown.
When you walk through the fire of oppression,
you will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume you.


A Day In The Life…

Let’s relive Sunday, shall we? Well, not actually, because nothing could make me want to relive it! Honestly, chaos is so constant around here it’s almost not even shocking anymore. It was a three-strikes-and-you’re-out sort of day.

Sunday started out with a new behavior coach sent to work with Jerilyn. We went to church and I handed Jerilyn off to her one-on-onethree-strikes-3 support worker, Cindy, plus the behavior coach. With two adults to help her, Daniel and I headed off to the service. I was called out within an hour because she was cursing in church and trying to break for the door.  Strike #1.

We headed home early where I had seven emails from Mr. X’s new girlfriend. I’ve decided to refer to my ex as Mr. X to protect the guilty. Wife #2 recently filed for divorce and although it isn’t finalized, he has gone ahead and shacked up with his next victim who is unfortunately clueless about the fact that he is most likely a psychopath. How do you warn a woman who is under his current spell that he is not all he is pretending to be?

My next question, how am I supposed to feel about a woman who, because she knows nothing of the real truth, is fighting his battles for him which means making my life difficult and putting my children at risk? I personally don’t have the answer. Strike #2.

On to the next part of my day….Daisy asks to have some pistachios. Daisy has a peanut allergy, along with a ton of other things so we typically avoid nuts as a whole. However, pistachios are one of those nuts that she used to eat (before we knew to avoid all nuts) without a reaction, so I just assumed that would still be the case.  WRONG!!  Strike #3.

I had gone about a mile away with Ainsley to pick up her Girl Scout cookies and I got a call from Daniel that Daisy was having a reaction. We literally ran to the car and sped home. When I rushed in Daisy wasn’t looking great. My mom had given her a Benedryl and checked her breathing ,which had been okay, but by the time I listened to her breathing I could tell it was going downhill. I told Daisy we were going to need the Epi Pen. She agreed. So I took her to the closest room and gave her the shot.

ambulanceI then called 911. They came and determined that we should take her by ambulance to the ER. Her breathing had gotten better and her rash had dissipated somewhat once we were on our way. However, she ended up rapidly changing and all of a sudden was having difficulty breathing. The EMT workers had to give her a second Epi Pen.

It is absolutely amazing how quickly it worked. Praise God!! Her breathing returned to normal and we didn’t have another incident. The ER monitored her closely for six hours and then gave her the all-clear sign.

You cannot imagine my relief as all evidence of a reaction disappeared. I was also so proud of my little Daisy who knew when she needed help and asked for it.

So, obviously…pretty bad day. Thank God it ended well with a healthy Daisy-girl!

This was Daniel’s first day back in Arizona with us…welcome back to the chaos Babe! Oh…how I long for a boring life some days…